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Dedicated Platform

The Cycloid platform offers flexible deployment options to suit your needs:

  • SaaS: Cycloid is available as a Software as a Service, hosted and managed by us. This option provides convenience, easy scaling, and reduced maintenance, as we handle the infrastructure and updates.

  • Dedicated platform: Alternatively, Cycloid can be installed on a dedicated platform within your own infrastructure. This option gives you greater control and security over your data, making it ideal for organizations with specific compliance requirements or sensitive data needs.


The Cycloid Dedicated platform is composed of multiple components, as illustrated in the following diagram.


  • Cycloid Console: The user interface for interacting with the Cycloid platform.
  • Cycloid API: The backend service that handles requests from the Cycloid Console. It processes business logic and interacts with various data stores and services.
  • Cycloid API task-manager: Performs background tasks and jobs scheduled by the Cycloid platform, such as email notifications and price injections.
  • MySQL: A relational database used to store structured data for the Cycloid platform.
  • Redis: Database used as a queuing system where tasks are consumed by the Cycloid Worker.
  • Vault: A secrets management tool used to securely store and manage credentials from Cycloid.
  • Elasticsearch: A search and analytics engine used by Cloud Cost Management.
  • Concourse Server: It schedules and manages CI pipelines, and coordinates the execution of jobs by Concourse Workers.
  • Concourse Worker: Executes tasks and jobs as defined in the CI pipelines. Workers perform the actual build, test, and deployment operations as directed by the Concourse Server.
  • PostgreSQL: A relational database used by the Concourse Server to store pipeline configurations, job states, and other metadata required for CI/CD operations.


  • Cycloid provided the credentials to access our Container Registry.
  • Cycloid provided the license key to activate the platform once it is installed.


Cycloid is a container-based application that supports two types of installations:

  • Helm: For installing Cycloid on a Kubernetes cluster.
  • Ansible: For installing Cycloid on Linux instances.

Choosing to install Cycloid on Kubernetes or on a dedicated instances depends on your infrastructure and expertise:

  • Self-Hosted Kubernetes: Installing on Kubernetes is ideal if you have expertise in managing one, require scalability, flexibility, and easy management of containerized applications. Kubernetes automates deployment, scaling, and management of applications, making it perfect for handling complex, distributed systems with high availability and load balancing.
  • Self-Hosted Instances: Installing on a dedicated VM is a good choice if you prefer simplicity, control, and have specific hardware requirements. Instances provide a stable and isolated environment at a limited cost.
  • Self-Hosted platforms for evaluation: Describes Self-Hosted platforms for evaluation, training or test purposes.


  • Advanced Configurations: Detailed and customizable settings that allow users to optimize and tailor a system's performance and functionality beyond the basic setup.