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Cloud Cost Management


Cloud Cost Management (CCM) is a feature that allows you to explore in detail the cost generated by your cloud infrastructure.

It provides a graphical interface to allow anyone within an organization to better visiualize, manage and explore the cloud expenses across your different providers.

In a nutshell this tool starts by retrieving your data from your cloud providers and then you can visiualize and analyse it, thanks to its dashboard.

In the following sections, you'll learn about how to start using Cloud Cost Management and all its features.


Whithin this feature is integrated our cloud carbon footprint tool, allowing you to visiualize your cloud carbon footprint data alongside your costs. For that reason, you cannot choose to opt-out of carbon footprint data when using the CCM.


In order to use this feature you need to have the rigth access keys to be able to connect to the cloud provider and extract the data required.

This access keys will be stored as a cycloid credential to allow the Cloud Cost Management (CCM) account to access the cloud provider data. For more informations regarding credentials, please refer to the corresponding section here.

As of now there's 3 cloud providers that are supported in CCM, that is AWS, GCP and Azure. New ones can be integrated if needed, don't hesitate to reach out to us if this is your case.

In the following table you have a summary of the providers supported, the data retrieved and instructions on how to configure the cloud access keys for CCM.

CCM with AWS is based on the aws cost and usage report (CUR). It uses the generated reports to retrieve the data about your cloud consumption.

To use CCM using AWS there's only 2 things that you will need to prepare:

  • Setup cost and usage report (CUR)
  • Create an AWS Access key with the rigth permissions

1. Setup cost and usage report (CUR)

The AWS CUR contains the most complete set of your AWS costs and data publishes. It works by publishing a AWS billing reports to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket that you own.


The old depracted version aws-detailed-billing-report is also supported by CCM.

To use CCM you first need an initial AWS billing report, from which the CCM will retrieve the data of your cloud costs.

You can follow AWS official tutorial acessible here.


Access to the billing console is restricted by default on AWS and needs to be granted by an administrator. In case of issues, the troubleshooting guide is here.

Here are the configurations to choose while following the AWS tutorial:

  • In the first step select the options Include resource IDs and Automatically refresh your Cost & Usage Report when charges are detected for previous months with closed bills
  • Concerning time granularity do not select Monthly as this will severely restrict the capabilities of CCM. Use instead Hourly or Daily
  • No need to Enable report data integration for any other system, CCM only needs the files generated by the CUR
  • All Compression types are supported, you can leave the default one or chose a different one

After the S3 bucket and report are created, keep in mind the bucket name, its region, as well as the location of the manifest file within the bucket. This will be required during the setup of the CCM account.

2. Create AWS Access key

As you will see, the procedure to create a Cloud Cost Management account starts by selecting or creating a cycloid credential containing the access keys, in this case for AWS.

This access key needs to have access to the S3 bucket where the reports will be stored, as it was configured before.

To do this you'll need to create an IAM user with an access key and attach an IAM permission policy to it, to enable certain rigths for this user.


As of now CCM doens't support AWS IAM roles, so you'll need to create a user and access keys with permissions as we saw above.

Creating the IAM user should be quite straigthforward, you can follow the AWS official tutorial on how to do in the AWS console available here.

Tips when creating the user:

  • Don't select the option to Provide user access to the AWS Management Console, since the user will be a machine user that will not require login in aws console.
  • Associate the IAM permission AmazonS3ReadOnlyAccess to the user directly. Optionally if you want to have minimal permissions possible you can create an IAM policy with the following permission
    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
    "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
    "Effect": "Allow",
    "Action": [
    "Resource": [

After creating the user you should create the access key to be used, you can do this by following the AWS official tutorial here.

Don't forget to save the access key somewhere, since you'll have to add it to a cycloid credential later.



Before advancing with this tutorial, make sure to verify that you have all the pre-requistes as defined in the section above of this page.

To start you need to setup a Cloud Cost Management account.

For this you should:

  1. Navigate to the FinOps & GreenOps section in the Cycloid UI.
  2. Click on the button Add account, this will bring to the menu of your existing credentials.

  1. Create a new cloud credential by clicking on the button Add new credential (In case you have previously created one you can just select the credential from the list and skip to the point 5 of this tutorial).

  1. You should then define a name to associate to the credential, select the type of Provider (AWS, GCP or Azure) and depending on the type selected different credentials parameters will be required.

    Depending on your provider different parameters are required to collect the data, as mentioned during the pre-requisites section:

In the case of AWS you should specify the access key previously created in the parameters access_key and secret_key, as you can see in the image bellow.


When creating a new credential a notification will apear in the top rigth corner indicating if the creation was successfull or not. Please report to the credentials section of this documentation in case of issues.

  1. After you succeffully selected or created the new credential you can click in the continue button, that will lead you to the second part of the account configuration. Here depending on the provider you'll have to specify the required parameters so that CCM can retrieve your cloud cost data.

In the case of AWS you should specify the location of the CUR report, as we saw during the prerequisites section above.

You should specify the parameters bucket name, the location of the manifest file within the bucket, e.g, /folder/report-manifest.json and select the bucket region from a dropwdown menu.


You can find more than one manifest file in the bucket, and you can choose any of them. Each time a new batch of billing files is generated, they are accompanied by a manifest. The manifest file in the account configuration is needed to differentiate between the legacy and current version of the report since the AWS API does not support that and to jump-start the import.


In case you lost this data you can easily retrieve it, by searching Billing and Cost Management, then scroll on the left menu to Data exports. This will show all the exports, just select the one you're interessed and you can edit it to see the data under the Data export storage settings.

  1. After the account is created, an initial data ingestion starts to retrieve your cloud billing data. Depending on the data volumetry it can take up to several minutes to ingest but is generally quite fast 😃

Finally with the data ingestion finish, you'll be able to start using all the CCM features 🚀

Feel free to explore the CCM interface yourself or check the concepts section of CCM docs to have a deep dive into all the different tabs of this feature.