# Dashboard

This is where you'll be able to see aggregate data from all the accounts you've imported as well as an overview of providers' breakdowns. Below that some detailed information about the most expensive projects.

Accompanying this information you can also see the estimated carbon footprint generated by infrastructure of the imported accounts.

# Filters sidebar


This sidebar is something you'll use a lot. You'll be able to select different data ranges and granularity and display your costs in one of the currently available currencies.

Currency conversion

Due to the fact different cloud providers may use different default currencies, Cycloid makes a conversion to show the same currency for each.

Granularity can be set to either daily, weekly, or monthly. Whilst data ranges can be set freely.

Granularity for larger data ranges

Daily and weekly granularity are disabled for larger data ranges.

Last but not least, there's the option to filter displayed data by project and accounts, which may be either or any between master and linked accounts.

The difference depends on the relationship between the Cycloid organization you're currently part of and where those accounts have been set up.

# Notifications and top banner

In the very top section of the dashboard, you'll be shown notifications and important messages coming from Cloud Cost Management and your accounts activity. Such notifications include daily tips about Cloud Cost Management functionalities and data imports in progress. Failed account imports will also be displayed here.

The notification system works so that all those messages can be easily hidden by clicking on the top right X icon: doing so, they won't bother you for some time or unless something important happens again in your account data.

In this area, you'll also be presented with an overall cost analysis of all your accounts' aggregated data for the selected time range, and what proportion of the total cost data each cloud provider represents.

Beside it, you will find a summary of all the aggregated carbon footprint data for all the accounts in the chosen time period.


# Providers breakdown


This area shows a breakdown of your costs, carbon emission, and energy usage by cloud provider, as well as an overall aggregate. Clicking on any of these cards will redirect you to the corresponding detail page for the selected provider.

Providers display

Some cloud providers may not be displayed here when the selected data range contains no data for them.

# Overview


This area is perhaps the most important one: it displays multiple graphs, as well as a table listing of your aggregated data, displaying cost, energy usage, and estimated carbon emissions, by project. Projects are identified via the tags defined on the cloud provider hosting the infrastructure. Since tags are user defined data you must go through the tag mapping process to allow Cloud Cost Management to aggregate data by projects, see tag mapping

There are two different visualizations to choose (and more to add in the future): currently, there are a line and bars views.