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Enable the Cost Estimation feature

To enable cost-estimation, Cloud provider price need to be injested regularly.

Cronjob can be enabled per cloud-provider to injest price with the following variables:

# Cost Estimation injestion #
cycloid_job_cost_estimation_injection_aws: true
cycloid_job_cost_estimation_injection_azure: true

# can't enable gcp import without a valid gcp cred json
# To enable gcp ingestion, a gcp json credential need to be provided with
# cost_estimation_gcp_cred_json: "{....}"
# cost_estimation_gcp_project: "gcp_project_name"
# cycloid_job_cost_estimation_injection_gcp: true

# Default Every sunday
# cost_estimation_ingestion_schedule: "Sun *-*-* 00:00:00"

Service can be started to force an ingestion

systemctl start cycloid-job-cost-estimation-ingestion_container.service